
Bay fine sandy beach

West Shanhai phase, blue crest, Bailangtaotian , black rock stays , I saw one after another wave in the rock hard body fall to pieces , kind of speechless ferocious beauty. Length of nearly 5.5 km of the Great South Bay, ideal for swimming and other water sports , the beach here was clean and bright white at night soft colors, the brightness of the moon seems to have accumulated here, no wonder the Great South Bay beach has Glow products. Great South Bay, fine sandy beaches , uniform particles . Pick a sunny day , through deserted beach and could hear a rushing sound , the locals call this booming sand phenomenon known as " ghost fart ." According to the beach at night crab most interesting programs. Purse Island beach at night is really dark outside , listening to the sound of waves slapping , looking at the moon and the stars , Photoluminescent Ceramic , to mention only a small bucket , according to the Department of the bright , sand crab crazy four escape , and people scurried to catch up in the back , both embarrassed and happy . If you are lucky , you can encounter here "sea firefly luminous " spectacle --- sea green fire such as lights , with the ebb and flow of floating to faint , touch shore Jimie , endless night . Can also be fireworks on the beach , the fireworks in the sky promised a beautiful wish, said to be very spiritual.

