
What color ink Classification

Color ink is a means of material by means of a special color inks can be used in the security industry, toy industry, gift industry, garment industry, handicraft industries.
Color ink Category:
Temperature change ink, ultraviolet glow in dark sheet light-sensitive color ink, color ink UV fluorescence, infrared excitation color ink, water color inks, chemical color inks, optically variable ink.
 There are three color ink temperature categories, displaying a specific color temperature, color disappears after heating becomes colorless, cooled immediately to restore the original color, its irreversible process of change, referred to as "inversion variable elimination color ink "; Show colorless at room temperature, after heating into another color, then restore the original cooling colorless, because of the change process reversible, referred to as" inversion Hair color ink "; ink display color at room temperature, after heating into another color, because the reversible change process referred to as "inversion Photoluminescent Gravel variable color ink transfer."
 Dreaming ink (daylight color ink): usually encountered sunlight or ultraviolet light exposure from colorless to color, colors are: red, purple, blue, sky blue, green, orange, yellow and other seven colors.

